

Fight Together, Grow Together


You will encounter many enemies in your journey to find the rings.
Alear and friends will need to use every opportunity to increase their battle power
if they want to avoid throwing away lives on the battlefield.

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  • Training Basics
  • Growing Stronger with Emblems
  • Gaining Experience

Training Basics


Enhance your abilities through experience

Allies that accumulate a certain amount of experience in battle will level up and their personal abilities (stats) such as Strength, Defence, and Speed will increase.
For example, if Strength increases by 1, the damage that you give to the opponents will also increase by 1.
If Defence increases by 1, then the damage that you receive decreases by 1 as well.

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    Stats that are easier to increase when levelling up vary depending on the character and class. Multiple stats may increase at the same time.

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    Finishing off enemies allows you to gain more experience.
    The key to faster growth is to let the allies you want to raise have priority to deliver the final blow.


Get Even Stronger with Class Changes

All allies start out as a predetermined class.
However, once they reach a certain level, they can use items to perform a class change.
Their level resets to 1, but they retain all of their stats as well as the skills they've inherited from the Emblems.
*You can also use an item to revert to the character's previous class, but doing so will also reset the level to 1.

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    Changing the class from a Martial Monk to an advanced class, Martial Master, will boost the stats and allow that character to wield more weapons, making them an even more formidable ally on the battlefield.

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    Your allies can also change to a completely different class, such as from a Martial Monk to an Archer. Trying out many different classes can help you further strengthen individual abilities.

Growing Stronger with Emblems

Emblems can lend their considerable powers to your allies on the battlefield, but did you know that the more they fight together,
the more they draw out the talents and abilities of your allies and strengthen them?

Inheriting Skills

Normally, characters must have the ring equipped to take advantage of the Emblem's skills.
However, by fighting together with the Emblems and strengthening the bond between them,
characters can inherit their skills, and will be able to use them even without the rings equipped.
*Bond level with the Emblems and SP (Skill Points) are required to inherit skills. SP can be earned by syncing with Emblems or fighting together with Bond Rings equipped.
*The number of inherited skills that a character can equip is fixed.

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Gaining Experience

Battle training can be done outside of battle, as well.
Putting your allies' skills into practice will directly lead to their growth.


Destroy Enemy Forces in Skirmishes

In between major battles, you can also engage in skirmishes with enemies that appear on the map.
These battles offer the same Experience points as normal battles, so be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to strengthen your unit.

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Training with Emblems and Allies

Gain experience through practice battles with allies and Emblems at your base, the Somniel.

  • Training with allies Training with allies
  • Training with allies Training with allies
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Engage in practice battles with randomly selected allies to gain experience.
Note that there is a limit to the number of times you can have practice battles.

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Use the bond fragments to engage in a practice battle with the Emblem of your choice.
Not only will you gain experience, but you can also strengthen the bonds with the Emblems.

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