

Fight Together, Grow Together

Basic Game Flow

The game progresses by travelling to different destinations.
Outside of battle, you can train, change equipment, and explore freely.


Explore Freely

Return to your base or wander the continent (world map).
It's totally up to you.
You can also engage in drills to train your allies and make them more powerful.
Travelling to the next destination will start a new chapter.



Ready yourself and jump into battle.
Make sure you've got the right mix of classes, skills and equipment to defeat the enemy and advance.

An Array of Classes

Both enemy and allied characters (units) have a class. Class affects more than which weapons a character can use. Cavalry units have a wide range of movements, while other units are sluggish yet have high defence. The key to success is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class and finding the right mix for the battlefield.

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Class: MageClass: Martial MonkClass: ArcherClass: Lance ArmourClass: Lance Flier

The Mage uses a spell book to unleash powerful spells which are especially effective against enemies with strong defence.

A warrior who heals allies with their staff. The Martial Monk is a master of the powerful Qi Adept self-defence techniques.

This lightly armoured warrior can pick off enemies from short distances with a bow.

This heavily armoured infantry warrior equipped with a lance is weak against magic but boasts high defence.

This knight fights with a lance and soars through the air on a pegasus. Vulnerable to bows, but strong against magic.

  • Mage


  • Martial Monk

    Martial MonkMartial Monk

  • Archer


  • Lance Armour

    Lance ArmourLance Armour

  • Lance Flier

    Lance FlierLance Flier

Battle's End

The battle will end once you fulfil certain victory conditions, such as destroying all enemy units or defeating the enemy general.



Once the battle ends, you can walk around the battlefield and talk with your allies.
You will occasionally receive bond fragments, which you can use to create Bond Rings or train with the Emblems.

Selecting Enemy Difficulty

You can select your preferred mode and difficulty when the game starts, which affects both enemy strength and what happens to your allies when they are defeated in battle.

  • Mode No Mercy Classic Mode Allies that fall in battle are lost forever. No Pressure Casual Mode Allies that fall in battle return in the next chapter.
  • Difficulty Beginner/Intermediate Normal Advanced Hard Master Maddening

Make a mistake? Turn back the clock with the Draconic Time Crystal.

You can return to a specific point in time during an engagement and re-do your action by using the Draconic Time Crystal.
This option is perfect for when you lose an ally in battle or you just want to try out some new tactics.

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