Hiroshi is suddenly given an job assignment near his hometown in Akita.
So the Nohara family make their way to a small village near Hiroshi’s parents’ home and rent out a traditional Japanese farmhouse.
Nestled in this tranquil rural landscape, they begin their carefree and quiet life in the countryside.
Ginnosuke, Shinnosuke’s grandfather, bestows the mysteries of country playtime by teaching Shinnosuke how to catch bugs and fish.
A highlight of every evening is when the family gathers around the sunken hearth to savor delicious Akita dishes.
In the village, Shinnosuke talks with farmers and makes new friends.
Every day, he’s enjoying life to the fullest until…
Shinnosuke Follows After a Soot-covered Shiro
One morning, Shiro shows up at the house covered in soot.
As a confused Shinnosuke looks on, Shiro suddenly dashes away…!
Shinnosuke chases after Shiro until, stopped before him, he notices a mysterious train he’s never seen before.
Shinnosuke follows after Shiro and accidentally boards this train.
Welcome to Coal Town
The mysterious train stops in a lively and prosperous town that seems to have been frozen in time since the Showa era.
In this town called Coal Town, there are energetic working-class people going about their day.
After meeting a mysterious young girl, Shinnosuke becomes friends with these people.
And so begins Shinnosuke’s newest adventure…!
Life in Akita
Akita's rivers are rich with a diverse range of fish, from common catches to rare species that are hard to find.
There are also crawfish in irrigation channels…! Experiment with different times of day and locations to catch the fish you want.
Add any fish you find to your nature book collection!
Catch Bugs
There are all kinds of bugs living in the groves and forest. As night falls, fireflies emerge, creating a magical scene.
You may even find some bugs that only live in this village!
Add any bugs you catch to your nature book collection!
Pick Wild Vegetables
You can forage for wild vegetables along the village roads and in the mountains.
Use the vegetables you find for your errands!
Of course, you can add them to your nature collection too.
Grow Vegetables
Your grandma in Akita will teach you how to grow vegetables.
Grow more vegetables to get more new seeds.
You can also use the deliciously fresh vegetables as ingredients in local dishes!
Life in Coal Town
There’s a gorgeous young lady inventor in Coal Town!
Work with this young lady to create amazing inventions with the help of her strange machine that creates inventions.
Use different items found around town to create inventions.
Menu Creation at the Diner
The people of Coal Town love hanging out at the diner.
Help the owner of the diner come up with new menu items while she serves up the food.
Shinnosuke can catch fish or find other ingredients for new menu items!
Trolly Race
This entertainment facility is popular with the people of Coal Town. You can even race against other people in town.
Win a race, and you’ll even receive rare items.
More and more courses!
Explore a collection of unique tracks, from courses with exhilarating jumps to courses designed for thrilling battles.
Get stronger and challenge more racers.
A variety of trollies!
Choose from a variety of trollies, like stable beginner trollies or to faster trollies for more advanced racers. Choose the trolly that suits your racing style.
You may even find some peculiar trollies with special skills…!
Amazing custom parts!
Choose from a large collection of items to upgrade your trolly with melee parts that can distract your opponents, parts to help you hit corners smoothly, or parts to boost your speed.
Create your very own trolly with custom parts!
Deze omschrijving is afkomstig van de uitgever.
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