Virtual Kasparov offers Game Boy Advance players a superb chess game, with a single-player Story mode as well as multiplayer options. Named after Garry Kasparov, the Russian grand master, Virtual Kasparov offers a lengthy story mode that will challenge even well-versed players. Fortunately, beginners can learn valuable skills in an extensive tutorial. As you travel the world, you will challenge 31 fictional, computer-controlled opponents. On the road to becoming the world champion like Kasparov himself, you are given insights on each rival's unique strategy and style. No chess game would be complete without a chance to challenge a human opponent and Virtual Kasparov delivers with both Single Pak and Multi Pak play. A basic game requires two Game Boy Advances, a Game Boy Advance Game Link cable and one Game Pak, but for a complete set of features two Game Paks are required. Two people can also take turns with a single Game Pak and Game Boy Advance.There are also an impressive set of options including 12 chess boards. There are even two boards presented in a 3-D, isometric view.Virtual Kasparov is a comprehensive chess game that provides the perfect companion on long train journeys.
This description was provided by the publisher.
KASPAROV® and all related indicia in connection with theis product are trademarks used under license from Garry Kasparov (2001), all rights reserved. Developed by Titus Interactive Studios. © 2001. Published by Titus. All rights reserved.