Kindergarten Buddy Edition brings all the fun (and Janitor attacks) of both Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2 into one unholy package! Learn to share. Help Cindy bully an innocent girl. Get other kids expelled. Take some pills. Dive into the Nugget Cave. Collect and battle Monstermon cards. Talk to the old woman who lives in the dumpster. Hide some contraband. Play dodgeball. Discover how magnets work. Help an heir oust his brother from the family empire. You know...all the fun things you did while you were in Kindergarten! So go on and enjoy an endless stream of terrible Mondays and Tuesdays and see if you can make some friends-- I mean buddies along the way.
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Kindergarten, Kindergarten 2, and Kindergarten Buddy Edition are Copyright ©2017-2022 by Con Man Games and SmashGames. All Rights Reserved.