Tired of playing the hero? Nefarious is a 2D action platformer where you get to be the villain! Step into the wily shoes of Crow, an evil genius on an epic quest to steal princesses for his royalty-powered death ray – the world-conquering Doom Howitzer.
Wreak havoc across five different kingdoms! Stomp on heroes in iconic battles recreated with you as the boss! Unleash your inner megalomaniac!
Key Features
- You’re the villain! Kidnap princesses! Take over the world!
- Lovingly crafted 2D animation and illustrated backdrops
- Reverse boss battles let you fight against the hero
- Globe hop between five different kingdoms
- Unlock different ammo types for your grenade launcher
- Mix and match customization options for your explosive punches
- Uncover mysteries to unlock a secret ending!
- Story that spoofs the video game trope of princess kidnapping
This description was provided by the publisher.
What you need to know
This content is sold by Nintendo of Europe SE. The payment will be made with Nintendo eShop funds usable through the Nintendo Account used to complete the purchase.
This content may be purchased by users who have registered a Nintendo Account and accepted the respective legal terms.
The details of this offer apply to users who sign in with a Nintendo Account with the country setting corresponding to the country setting of this website. If the country setting of a Nintendo Account is different, the details of this offer may be adjusted (for example, the price will be displayed in the respective local currency).
After your payment has been processed, the content will be downloaded to the applicable system linked to your Nintendo Account. This system must be updated to the latest system software and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. Depending on the hardware model you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download content from Nintendo eShop. Please visit our Support section for more information.
In the case of games that use cloud streaming technology, a free launcher application or demo can be downloaded.
Please make sure you have enough storage to complete the download.
The Nintendo Account Agreement applies to the purchase of this content.
The use of an unauthorised device or software that enables technical modification of the Nintendo console or software may render this game unplayable.
This product contains technological protection measures.
Digerati © 2018 / StarBlade © 2018 / Stage Clear Studios © 2018