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Fire Emblem Engage: The 12 EmblemsFIRE EMBLEM ENGAGE Feature 12Emblems

A girl from the kingdom of Daein on the continent of Tellius
who harbors mysterious powers.
When the kingdom of Daein comes under the thumb of the Begnion Empire's tyranny, Micaiah, who once quietly plied her trade as a fortune-teller, feels compelled to act in defense of her homeland. She and her close friend Sothe form the Dawn Brigade, a band of freedom-fighters whose goal is to drive out the occupiers. Due to her heroics, and her mysterious powers of healing and foresight, Micaiah is lauded by the people of Daein as the "Silver-Haired Maiden."
Though her efforts do lead to Daein's liberation, they also lead her to a broader conflict, which causes Ashera, the Goddess of Order, to awaken and begin purging Tellius of life as punishment for their failure to live in harmony. Micaiah allows Yune, Goddess of Chaos and Ashera's counterpart, to possess her—and through Micaiah, Yune is able to seal Ashera away and return peace to the continent.
From Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

From Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

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