• “reminiscent of older point-and-click adventures” - 148 Apps
• "if you’re a fan of point-and-click adventure games, you do not want to miss this one" - AppUnwrapper
• "a refreshingly zinester spin on the standard point-and-click" - IndieGameReviewer
From the creators of Forever Lost which has had over 5 million downloads worldwide!
“Life moves pretty fast.” says Ferris Mueller, a barnyard mule. “If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Ferris Mueller’s Day Off —a point’n’click game from the creators of Forever Lost — is all about searching for a mule that is off sick. It’s full to the brim with clever puzzles, interesting characters, colourful locations and puns galore.
It is your role as the headteacher and owner of Ferris to find him and bring him back. Speak to the townspeople and solve puzzles to find the 9 golden carrots that Ferris has hidden for you to locate.
In the immortal words of a certain character, from a certain detention-based movie we're not allowed to mention, “We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.”
• A first person point and click adventure game.
• Inspired by classic point’n’click adventure games and the love of great 80’s films.
• Colourful hand drawn artwork.
• Trademark Glitch humour and puzzles that will leave you screaming at us.
• A fantastic soundtrack by Richard Moir that also includes the music of Franc Cinelli.
• A built-in hint system included at no extra cost to ensure you never get stuck for too long.
• The Glitch Camera to help you solve puzzles and keep track of clues.
• Lots of clues to find and puzzles to solve.
• Plenty of items to collect and fiendishly clever puzzles to solve!
• Loads of items to find and use!
• Clues to find and puzzles to solve!
• Auto-save feature, never lose your progress again!
Diese Beschreibung wurde vom Publisher bereitgestellt.
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2012-2023 Glitch Games Ltd