Game Boy Advance SP

Portable Power


We've taken everything you love about Game Boy Advance, dreamed up a set of irresistible new features - a built-in screen light, a flip-top screen, a rechargeable battery - and squeezed it all into one sleek handheld system. Now you can enjoy all Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games in real style.

Flip-top Screen


Not just a superb way of allowing you to fold up Game Boy Advance SP for ultra-convenience when you're on the move. When opened up, the flip-top screen settles into the perfect angle for perfect play.

Replay, Reload, Recharge


Play on. The state-of-the-art rechargeable Lithium Ion battery tucked away inside Game Boy Advance SP powers your portable play for 10 hours - all for just 3 hours recharging time. And if you choose not to use the built-in screen light, you'll be charged up for a massive 18 hours of handheld brilliance.

Colours Advanced


There's a whole range of Game Boy Advance SP to suit every style, including several special edition releases. Take your pick from cool silver, moody blue or smooth pink - and remember to blink between long, admiring stares.

Light Up Your Life


Don't be left in the dark. The built-in screen light makes Game Boy Advance SP the system that refuses to stop when the sun goes down. With a single button press, the entire display is perfectly illuminated, giving you crystal-clear gaming even in pitch-black conditions.

System Size


Pocket your dreams - whatever your pocket size. Folded up, Game Boy Advance SP is just 82mm wide and 84.6mm high - and a truly tiny 24.3mm in depth - which means no more unsightly bulges when you want to carry console-quality gaming around with you.

Redesigned Buttons


Alongside the redesigned button layout and flip-top screen come redesigned L and R buttons on the back of the Game Boy Advance SP's 'base', smaller in size and carefully positioned to make your fingers think all their birthdays have come at once.

Connectivity with Nintendo GameCube


Nintendo GameCube and Game Boy Advance SP aren't just world-beating systems in their own right - by hooking them together with the Game Boy Advance Cable, you'll open the door to a breathtaking world of new videogame experiences. Depending on the game, you'll be able to swap data, unlock new game levels, or use the Game Boy Advance SP as an input device.

Technical Details

CPU 32-Bit ARM with embedded memory
Memory 32 Kbyte + 96 Kbyte VRAM (in CPU), 256 Kbyte WRAM (external of CPU)
Screen 2.9" TFT reflective screen with integrated screen light, 240x160 resolution, 40.8mm x 61.2mm screen size, 32,768 possible colours, 511 simultaneous colours in character mode, 32,768 simultaneous colours in bitmap mode.
Size Width 82mm / Depth 24.3mm / Height 84.6mm
Weight 143g
Power Built in rechargeable Lithium Ion battery.
Battery Life 10 hours continuous game play (18 hours with light off) with approximately 3 hours recharging time.